Friday, July 21, 2006

Snow Angel

Last night was funny. Mike and I were in bed talking about the day and had the TV on pause so there was no sound coming out. As I told my story to Mike and as it grew funnier, I grew louder. As I got louder, Mike instinctually grabbed the remote to turn down the volume because the noise in the room was hurting his ears. Only since there was no noise coming out of the TV he was actually trying to turn my voice box down. He didn't realize what he had done until he noticed that the volume was all the way down on the TV but the loud noise was still piercing his ears. When he did come to realize that the remote wouldn't work on me, he pointed out what he had done to quiet me and we laughed our asses off. This is truly one of those "location" stories where you really had to be there.

Also, I did something not very nice to my baby last night. Lately, I've been feeling a little lonely that my baby only has said hello twice and the last time was two weeks ago. According to the books and websites, he or she should be swimming around there and letting me know that they're okay by now. I've poked and prodded, still nothing. I'm tired of waiting. So, I had had it. I rolled over and laid on my stomach. I waited and it only took about 30 seconds for my child to say, "UNCLE!" It was pretty awesome. It felt like my baby was making a snow angel against my insides. I woke Mike up and demonstrated the feeling. It was incredible. I've started off on a bad note with my child. I will push and be mean until I get my way even with my kid. Poor thing. Might as well get used to it early even while still in the womb. I will punish my child if he or she is not cooperating with me even if they are the size of a large pear.


Anonymous said...

Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site! Keep up the good work. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Very pretty site! Keep working. thnx!